顾城,诗歌,朦胧诗,文学,精神,至爱,至善,Gu Cheng,Poet,Spiritual,Kindness,Black eyes 诗人顾城专题站。纯粹精神。纯文学。纯思想
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作者:顾城  文章来源:顾城之城  点击数  更新时间:2005/2/14 19:31:55  文章录入:鹤莲  责任编辑:鹤莲

1988年10月16日新西兰《SUNDAY STAR》(《周日明星》)报BOOKS版。


Gu Cheng on the isolation of being a poet : " Having your poetry read is like being a fish displayed frozen on a fishmonger's slab . People say it tastes good but no one would like to swim in the sea with it ."
“I tried hard to learn to be a good Chinese person -- that is , a general spare part in a large machine, a nut or a bolt . But before I learnt to be that , the machine broke down and we had the Cultural Revolution , I was 10 when it started."(Photos by Phil Doyle)


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